
Our admission criteria:

  1. Looked after children. 
  2. Children with a sibling (as defined by Birmingham Local Authority) currently in school at the time of starting. 
  3. Children who live within the area represented by the Ecclesiastical parish of St. George (map available from school secretary if required), plus Ladywood Road (both sides), Reservoir Road, Mostyn Road, Daisy Road, Leslie Road, Sefton Road, Eldon Road, Carlyle Road, Stirling Road, Meyrick Walk and all of Kenilworth Court and whose families worship at a Christian Church*
  4. Other children in the said area in order of proximity** of their homes to school.
  5. Other children outside the said area who worship at a Christian Church and do not have a more local Church of England School.
  6. Other children outside the said area in order of proximity** of their homes to school.

 *Attendance at Church will be evidenced by a letter from the Minister.

**Proximity is measured according to Birmingham Local Authority’s definition.