At St. George’s Church of England Primary School, we want our pupils to be happy, kind and unique. We encourage children to appreciate each other and be polite and helpful young citizens. It is our intent, that within a modern, social culture, we will prepare children with the skills and resilience required to be a confident and responsible individual.

Alongside parent , we will aim to nurture the development of personal aspirations and to recognise their goals and potentials in life. By providing a safe environment for children, we will also encourage children to take risks and not be afraid of failure or mistakes; instead celebrating the learning they can take from these setbacks.

Children’s mental health is of paramount importance to us and we want children, parents and carers to know where and how to access appropriate help and support.

Through our curriculum, our school environment, our Christian distinctiveness and the strength of our relationships, we strive to promote pupil’s self esteem and emotional and physical well being and help them to form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships based on respect (our core high 5 value) for themselves and for others, at home, at school and in the community.