
Welcome to St. George’s Church of England Primary School. St. George’s is a very special place, which has a strong Christian ethos with care and nurture at the heart of everything we do. Our purpose is underpinned by our school vision: flourishing together for life in all it’s fullness. 

As Headteacher, my education philosophy is that all children are happy coming to school and they develop a love of learning. I want children to feel safe and secure in a school that develops their character for their place in our world. Through St. George’s Christian ethos, we support all to contribute to this. I am passionate that all children learn. Every day, every lesson counts. In our school, excellent learning takes places. Our mission as educators is to ensure children reach their potential. There is no child that cannot achieve their dreams and desires. All staff at St. George’s believe in this.  

School is not only a place for academic learning, but emotional learning as well. Learning is a social experience. We learn from and with others. It is our responsibility to give learners the opportunity to experience the world first hand and then see it from another point of view. We are shaping the community of tomorrow and as such, we need to teach the children to listen to and learn from others’ points of view and show respect for them.

However, children make mistakes and if they didn’t, we wouldn’t need schools or parents. Our most important job as parents and teachers is to form relationships with our learners where they feel safe, try new things, make mistakes and flourish without fear of failure. It’s our job to make sure the children understand how to behave in society. From time to time, they will find school difficult and when it is we treat children the way we would want our own children treated in the same situation.

We feel is is a great privilege when parents entrust their child into our care. As such, we promise to work with them to ensure their child flourishes. We will strive to make school a place where children will be absorbed in their learning and will discover new and important things about their lives every day. We can only do this well with great communication. It’s important to know when there are reasons to celebrate and when there are reasons to be sad. Whatever the occasion we are sensitive to a child’s situation and make sure we support or celebrate with them.

Our children are most precious. We look forward to travelling alongside parents on the learning journey your child has already begun at St. George’s and will continue throughout the rest of their lives.

Mr. Daniel Rogers
