How to Apply
Reception 2025
Our admissions process into Reception is part of the Local Authority co-ordinated scheme. Applicants must apply to their home Local Authority by the closing date for each September start. The closing date is 15th January 2025.
Reception School Admissions – Birmingham City Council
In-year Admissions
If you would like to apply for a place at St. George’s Church of England Primary School, please complete the form below. Alternatively, you can request a copy of this form from the school office.
Supplementary Information Form
Some of our oversubscription criteria will require more information than parents normally provide on the Common Application Form or the In-Year Admission Form, so parents applying under criteria 3 and 5 must also complete a School Supplementary Information Form, supplying only the additional information which is relevant to those oversubscription criteria that relate to your own situation. The Supplementary Information Form must be returned to the school office by the deadline date for the Local Authority application process but or with your documents for an in-year admission.