
At St George’s Church of England Primary School, collective worship is a central and vibrant part of our school life, reflecting our Christian vision inspired by John 10:10: “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Our aim is for all members of our school community to flourish together and enjoy life to the fullest. Collective Worship provides opportunities for inspiration, prayer, and reflection, significantly contributing to the spiritual growth of both pupils and adults.

Our Vision and Principles

Our collective worship is designed to be:

  • Inspirational: Engaging the whole school community in a journey of discovery, exploring the teachings of Jesus and the Bible.
  • Invitational: Offering everyone the opportunity to participate in or observe worship.
  • Inclusive: Respecting the diverse backgrounds of our pupils and staff, while maintaining our distinctively Christian ethos.

Collective Worship Organisation

  • Monday: Worship through song.
  • Tuesday: Worship led by the Senior Leadership Team on the theme of the week.
  • Wednesday: Worship led by the clergy on the theme of the week.
  • Thursday: Class worship based on the theme of the week.
  • Friday: Celebration worship, with parents invited to attend.

Children’s Contribution

Children are encouraged to actively participate in collective worship by:

  • Setting up for worship.
  • Taking part during worship.
  • Leading worship.
  • Writing and sharing prayers.

Parent Partnership

We value our partnership with parents and the local community. Parents are welcome to attend worship sessions, especially when their child’s class is leading. We also invite parents to join us for special services during Christmas, Easter, Harvest, and other significant occasions.


Here’s what some of our children have to say about collective worship:

  • Year 4 Pupil: “I love singing during worship on Monday. It makes me feel happy with everybody else.”
  • Year 5 Worship: “Leading the class worship on Thursdays has helped me become more confident. I enjoy sharing my thoughts and prayers with my friends.”
  • Year 3 Worship: “The celebration worship on Fridays is my favourite. It’s great to see everyone’s achievements and celebrate together.”

Legal Requirements

In accordance with the Education Acts of 1944 and 1988, we provide a daily act of collective worship for all pupils.