The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) is an organisation set up by the government. Their job is to inspect schools (plus other organisations) to ensure that education for children is up to set standards. They are also responsible for ensuring that children are well looked after and kept safe whilst in school.
Our latest Ofsted report can be accessed here.
We are pleased to share that St George’s Church of England Primary School is a ‘Good’ school.
Ofsted Inspection Criteria | Grading |
The Quality of Education | Good |
Behaviour and Attitudes | Good |
Personal Development | Good |
Leadership and Management | Good |
Early Years Provision | Good |
Ofsted Said…
“Pupils are happy and safe here because adults take good care of them, and they take good care of one another.”
“The school’s strong Christian ethos permeates all aspects of school life. The school embraces the diverse community it serves and pupils show great respect for the many faiths and cultures represented here.”
“Pupils behave well. They respond quickly to adults’ instructions and follow the school’s rules sensibly.”
“Leaders set high expectations for all pupils. Pupils’ attitudes embody the school’s vision of ‘our love of learning leads us to excellence’. Pupils show enthusiasm for learning and make strong progress.”
“Pupils develop empathy and respect for others through their involvement with the church and the community.”