Pastoral Care
At St George’s we believe that children are a gift from God and that everyone who belongs to St George’s school is important and valued. Our school motto: Our Love of Learning Leads us to Excellence, describes our belief that every child is unique and can achieve beyond expectation. Children are encouraged to enjoy the challenges that learning holds and strive for academic achievements. Our aim at St George’s is to have a happy school where children find a trigger that ignites their passion to motivate them to excel within our broad and balanced curriculum. Through our belief in ourselves, belief in others and our belief in God, we will have the courage, determination and confidence to persevere to excellence and open doors to overcome socio-economic and diversity issues.
St George’s school aims for all students to achieve academically regardless of their circumstances. The school has a duty to ensure that every individual child is given the best possible chance of achieving their potential. As a church school we take pride in nurturing the needs of each individual pupil, including those who may have barriers or challenges to engaging with learning opportunities effectively. Some of these may be attendance and levels of persistent absence; behaviour incidences and risk of exclusion; wellbeing, mental health and safeguarding concerns; access to technology and educational materials or high mobility. The school’s proactive pastoral approach underpins removing these barriers so that all children can flourish to their full potential.
We believe that children best acquire knowledge and skills over time and this comes from continuously improving the quality of teaching and learning. Pupils need to receive good quality teaching in every lesson, every day. Interventions are delivered to compliment the high-quality teaching that we strive to deliver on a daily basis. When identifying challenges, we draw upon a range of data sources, including discussions with teachers and support staff and engagement with pupils and families. Diagnostic assessment is regularly used to identify challenges to learning so that over time children in receipt of pupil premium achieve as well as those nationally who are not in receipt of this funding.