
St George’s Church of England Primary School is committed to a high quality of education for all its pupil in an atmosphere of nurture and care.

As part of the Birmingham Diocese Multi-Academy Trust we work with the trust board to ensure that our school community experiences ‘life in its fullness’ John 10:10.

Members of the Local Academy Board (LAB) undertake various roles as you will see from the details below. The board meets formally each half term and you will also see members around the school at various times.

If you wish to contact any of us, please speak to the school office who will be happy to pass a message onto us.

Click Here For St George’s C of E Primary School Governor Information

Meet our Governors

Mrs Lorraine Graham

Chair of Local Academy Board

Special Educational Needs Link Member

I have been involved in education the whole of my working life. I started in a middle school before moving on to a girls’ secondary school teaching mainstream children who had special educational needs. I made the move as a senior teacher to a large co-ed school in Lichfield where I became Learning Support Coordinator and was in charge of creating a fully inclusive environment for pupils with a wide range of needs. In addition, I provided training for Staffordshire, helped develop and implement the Inclusion Quality Mark and was involved in curriculum development for the QCA.

Since retiring I have undertaken SEN consultancy along with becoming a governor at St George’s CE Primary, Edgbaston. My interests are travel, reading, cross-stitch family and local history along with watching West Brom!  

My aspiration is to help and support our school in maintaining its Christian ethos along with providing the very best education for all of our children.

Father Sam Gibson

Vicar of St. George’s Church 

Vice Chair of the Local Academy Board

I am Vicar of St George’s Edgbaston and a parent of children at the school. I hold a PhD from the University of Birmingham and before I was ordained I worked as an academic researcher. I have a particular interest in lifelong education as I teach theology to ministers across the diocese. As parish priest my role is to help St George’s School flourish spiritually. I lead collective worship and am available for pastoral care of pupils, families, and staff – of all faiths and beliefs.

Father George Reeves

Curate at St George’s Church Local Academy Board Member

I have served as Curate (Assistant Minister) at St George’s Church since June 2023, and I have lived in Birmingham on and off for over ten years. Before ordination I worked in sales and fundraising, including almost four years as a face-to-face alumni fundraiser at the University of Birmingham, raising money for the University’s various charitable projects including student scholarships and Widening Participation outreach programmes, in order to encourage more young people to pursue Higher Education. I believe strongly in the value of education, and as a member of clergy I am particularly focused on the spiritual development of young people, regardless of their own faith background.

I have a BA in Political Science from the University of Birmingham, and both a BA and a Postgraduate Diploma in Theology, Ministry & Mission from the University of Durham. I am hoping to begin studying for a Masters’ in Theology in 2024.

Mr Paul Manning

Local Academy Board Member

My name is Paul Manning and I have been a governor at St George’s for 14 of the past 16 years, both as a Parent Governor and now Foundation Governor. My 3 youngest children attended school here (the last until 2018) and as such, I have significant awareness of the life and work of the school from that perspective.  I have a special interest in the issues and practice of how the school supports and develops the potential of students with Special Educational Needs; mainly because of the experiences and needs of one of my sons. Likewise, I have an interest in how the school can nurture and stretch the abilities and skills of high-performing students.

I was previously both Chair and Vice Chair of our Local Academy Board, so I bring that experience with me, alongside significant experience of personal life and professional skills, as a senior probation manager, to my role. I am keen to be part of the life of our St George’s community and the whole experience of my current and previous roles allows me a great opportunity to contribute to the opportunities, developments and challenges that the school faces.

My aspirations for our school’s children are that they grow physically, emotionally, academically and spiritually. I want them to remember their time at our school with pleasure and fond remembrance. 

Mr Goronwy Tudor Jones

Local Academy Board Member

I am a retired physicist from the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Birmingham. Apart from my research, I have considerable experience of presenting scientific ideas to the public (‘outreach’) and secondary school teachers. I think it is important to spread the idea that science and religion are not in conflict, but are complementary ways of describing the world.
Although I have no direct experience of primary schools, I hope to be able to provide support on teaching and curriculum development matters. 

Mrs Priscilla Spence

Parent Local Academy Board Member 

My name is Priscilla Spence where I moved to Birmingham 20 years ago from London to undertake my Postgraduate in Social Work. With a background in Social Work, I qualified over 18 years ago and have worked in areas of family support, safeguarding and care management. In recent years I have worked in the fostering services as a team manager providing support and overseeing social works who are supporting foster carers and children Looked After. Prior to my social work career I had worked in residential care settings and with an Examining Board as a coordinator for GCSE, A, levels and BTEC.

I am particularly interested in the Parent Governor role as working with others for the good of the child has always been an area, I have been passionate about. Hearing and sharing ideas as a Team Around a Child to offer the most effective support is invaluable, therefore being part of a board will enable this area further. I aim to bring insight based on professional experiences that will support the roles and discussions on the board ingoing forward.

I do enjoy reading, music and some time to generally chill out where possible spending time with friends and family all of which are important to me.

Naomi Joseph

Staff Non-Teaching Local Academy Board Member

I am currently a Mid-Day Supervisor and also a parent at St George’s. I am originally from London but I have lived in Birmingham for 13 years. I have a welcoming, pleasant demeanour and I am adaptable, creative. I put a lot of heart into everything I do. I am an advocate for the children to excel in a safe environment surrounded by support, positive influences that will help them gain life skills for the future. I have a keen interest in all things related to elevating St. George’s higher in achievement as a school and as a part of the community. The welfare of the children is at the centre of all of my contributions as Governor.

Mrs Daisy Fessey

Staff Teacher Local Academy Board Member

I am currently a teacher and Writing leader at St George’s Church of England Primary School. I have been at the school since 2018, first working in Year 3, then moving to Year 6. I am particularly passionate about English and providing children with the skills to give them the best start in life. I’m also keen to ensure that children are exposed to range of subjects and given opportunities to discover and unlock their potential in all areas.

My aspiration for St George’s Church of England Primary School is to maintain the love of learning our children have, to show our pupils that they can dream big and reach their goals.

Mr Daniel Rogers
