Vision & Values
‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full’
John 10:10
Our school vision is inspired by John 10:10. The words of Jesus act as a guide for our Christian school vision where we aim for all at St. George’s to flourish together and enjoy life to the full.
In John, Chapter 10, Jesus describes his purpose on Earth as being the ‘Good Shepherd’ to show us the way. He knows us completely and is therefore able to lead us completely because we are known to him. God wants each person to flourish and so promises to help and guide. We see our purpose as being like the ‘Good Shepherd’ in Psalm 23: proactively seeking to care, support and nurture through a relationship of trust that is lead by example. In turn, we hope, through leading by example, we develop the next generation that can take on that role.
As God can help and guide us, by knowing each one of us, ‘Life to the fullest’ is God’s gift to us. Jesus is there for children and staff to grow physically and spiritually just as he had done (Luke 2:39-40). Our distinct relationship with Jesus, and God, enables us to cultivate our innate self-worth and self-value to have a rich sense of living together through all the ups and downs. Through this close relationship, we nurture and develop the gifts that all in our school have to offer so they can continue to care for God’s creations.
We live this out through:
- High quality education set within a Christian framework
- Serving our local community
- Building each other up
High quality education
We believe children flourish when they are given the knowledge and skills to engender a love of learning. Just like in Genesis 1:31, when God saw the wonderful world he had created, we want our children to appreciate the fascinating universe around us. Our knowledge rich curriculum is ambitious for all; immersing children in broad and rich experiences, that ignite and sustain interest in the awe and wonder of the world around them. Learning is remembered and not just encountered. In turn, our curriculum provides the rich experiences to understand, ‘who I am called to be?’
The habits that children learn and practice when they are growing up follow them through into adulthood. We imagine a world where all are living out kindness, courage, forgiveness, justice, and integrity – attributes shown by Jesus. Just as teaching children the academic knowledge and skills to live well, we enable children to live well in contemporary society, make good choices, live out their values, and grow in understanding because ‘Character produces hope’ (Romans 5:4). God sent us to earth to learn and grow through experiences – both pleasant and not, where he lets us choose between good and evil. Among Jesus’ many teachings, he taught us through many examples, which we can learn from.
‘Character produces hope’ (Romans 5:4)
Serving our local community
Our school is an inclusive and supportive community. We believe in the value and dignity of all people as created in the image of God. Through the bible, we are taught to treat all people fairly. God calls all people to seek justice for those most vulnerable to suffering injustice. In Isaiah 1:1, God’s people are taught to ‘learn to do right and seek justice.’ This means treating all people not only with fairness but also with protection and care.
Our school is therefore a loving, inclusive and supportive community serving the school’s local families of North Edgbaston and Ladywood. Just like the Good Shepherd, we know our community as individuals, understanding their aspirations and needs. We are one of the the agents of change for our school community, just like the prophets who spoke in their communities to create change and justice. As a child centered school, we provide a voice to our children so all can thrive. ‘The Lord is a God of justice.’ (Isaiah 30:18)
“The Lord is a God of justice” (Isaiah 30:18)
Building each other up
God calls all people to flourish and grow, forgiving our past mistakes, calling us to learn, and offering us new life. At St George’s, every individual will feel valued and loved because giving and receiving love adds meaning to life. Our school is a special, safe place where we can show our love freely for each other. Loving one another is remarkable yet simple, yet its implications ripple out across all our areas of school. Love is not an abstract concept. In Corinthians 1:13, scripture makes it clear that love compels us into action: ‘love does not fail’. We, therefore, support and encourage one another.
‘Encourage one another and build each other up’ (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Our Mission
We provide an excellent education based on a Christian framework that empowers our children with the knowledge and wisdom to shape the future.
Our School Values
We express our principles each day by living out our school values. We acknowledge that not all who attend our school are Christian and we will never seek to put our beliefs on to others. We believe that the most important thing we can do for God is to deliver a high-quality education rooted in the values of Christianity (which can either be interpreted as religious or moral values). We express our principles each day by living out our school values. These are drawn from the Bible and from Christian teaching and can be practised by people of any or no faith.

Empathy means being able to imagine what it must be like for someone else. This is understanding another person’s perspective and sharing in their joys and sorrows.
Bear one another’s burdens, and that way fulfil the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2)
Forgiveness means to stop feeling angry with someone or to stop feeling angry with yourself. This might be asking God to help you.
Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone (Colossians 3:13)
Honesty means telling the truth.
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely (Proverbs 10:9)
Justice means doing the right thing, for one another and for society.
Seek first God’s Kingdom and God’s justice (Matthew 6:3)
Kindness means doing things to help others and show that they care about them.
Love your neighbour as yourself (Mark 12:31)